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Terms of Service


Effective date: July 12, 2024

LOOX Terms of Use

Article 1 (Purpose)

These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") stipulate the conditions of use of LOOX (hereinafter referred to as "the Service"). Users shall use the Service in accordance with these Terms.

Article 2 (Definitions)

  1. "User" refers to an individual or legal entity that agrees to these Terms and Conditions and uses the Service.

  2. "AI Service" refers to a service that provides various functions using artificial intelligence.

  3. "Community Service" means a service that provides group conversation and forum functionality.

  4. "Map service" refers to a service that provides map information.

  5. "LOOXPremium" refers to a subscription service that offers additional features and benefits.

  6. "LOOXFiles" refers to a service for sharing and managing files.

Article 3 (User Registration)

  1. Anyone who wishes to use this service must agree to these terms and conditions and register in accordance with the procedures set forth by our company.

  2. LOOXc may refuse registration to any applicant who does not agree to these Terms and Conditions.

Article 4 (Management of User ID and Password)

  1. Users are responsible for properly managing their user IDs and passwords.

  2. Users may not transfer, lend, sell, or share their user ID and password to a third party.

  3. The Company shall not be liable for any damages arising from insufficient management of user IDs and passwords, errors in use, unauthorized use by third parties, etc.

Article 5 (Prohibitions)

When using this service, users must not engage in the following acts.

  1. Actions that violate laws, regulations, or public order and morals

  2. Any activity related to criminal activity

  3. Any act that infringes the intellectual property rights, privacy, reputation or other rights or interests of LOOXc, other users of the Service, or third parties.

  4. Posting or transmitting excessively violent language, explicit sexual language, language that leads to discrimination on grounds such as race, nationality, creed, sex, social status, family origin, etc., or other language that causes offense

  5. Commercially using information obtained through this service

  6. Any act that places an excessive load on the functionality of LOOXc's servers or networks

  7. Any act that disrupts the operation of this service

  8. Unauthorized access or attempted access

  9. Collecting or storing personal information about other users

  10. Any other actions that LOOXc deems inappropriate

Article 6 (Suspension of Use, etc.)

If a User falls under any of the following items, we may take measures against the User, such as suspending the User's use of the Service or canceling the User's registration, without prior notice.

  1. If you violate any provision of these Terms and Conditions

  2. If it is discovered that there is a false statement in the registration information

  3. Any other reason that the management determines that use of the Service is inappropriate

Article 7 (Disclaimer)

  1. The Management does not guarantee that the Service is free from factual or legal defects (including defects regarding safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, validity, suitability for a particular purpose, security, etc., errors, bugs, malfunctions, etc.).

  2. We shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the user as a result of this service.

Article 8 (Changes to Service Content, etc.)

We reserve the right to change, add to, or discontinue the content of this Service without prior notice to users.

Article 9 (Changes to Terms of Use)

If we deem it necessary, we may change these Terms at any time without notifying the user.

Article 10 (Notification or Contact)

Any notice or communication between the user and the company shall be made in the manner specified by the company.

Article 11 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

  1. The interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Japanese law.

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